Saturday, 5 November 2011

4d: Award Title Proposal

After a Skype session with Paula I started to pin point on my diary where I am at with the course, what I have to do next and to re-organize my tasks and anything that I've missed out to blog about through the course. I figured that's the only way that works for me to make me feel organized and at good point with my study. I know it sounds a bit geeky but that's how it's for me. :P

I've realized that I'd thought about my rationale but hadn't really wrote anything about it therefore there was no records of it at all!

Through my thinking process I considered that I did wanted to stick as much as possible to where I come from with my MT training, yet didn't really wanted to get typecast only as a Musical Theatre performer, especially considering what my inquiry plan is heading to, which is about how a performer can multitask, having gained several abilities throughout his training and career path, giving the opportunity to land on several arts related jobs, compared to (let's say) a student who studied medicine who is most likely going to end up as a nurse or doctor.

After this consideration I got to the conlcusion that my proposal should be :

BA (Hons) Professional Practice In PERFORMING ARTS.

I thought that this title could keep my future career opportunities very broad and not too narrowed down to only one specific dicipline and area of work.

Anybody that decided on the same Award Title? I'd like to compare what took someone else to this decision and see if there are different motivations.


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