Friday, 6 May 2011

Indispensable tools and sources

With my previous blog, I've realized my current networks are not as strong as when I was in London. Although we now have several and well developed different tools to help us keep the networks up. Extract of my journal: 

April 28th 2011

...What I would have done without the Web 2.0 achievements? How could have I embarked onto this course experience without the use of it? As a distance learner this would have been impossible....I received the info about the BAPP course through an ex schoolmate via Facebook; keeping her into my networks gave me the opportunity to know more about it... Web 2.0 indispensable for Professional Networking....”

We are not limited to radio and TV anymore, we can now reach information and networks at a greater speed. For example, how before we could have listened to a radio advertisement about an upcoming new show, without the opportunity to now more about it, and how now, through the internet, we can research and reach the font, share information with others, interact with the source via emails (sending our cv and photos), phone numbers and address.

For a deep understanding of what I mean when talking about communication development, found through the 'Professional Communication Technology Reader' :

At it simplest level, web 2.0 takes communication within a network from a traditional one to one basis (where I might send a letter to you) and the one to many (the use of mass media such as TV and radio) to a many to many approach, where thousands of people may read and interact with each other over a single blog or one specific YouTube video. The types of communication extend beyond the call and response model of traditional communications practice.”

Now the speed of communication has extremely evolved and has become vital for our profession, and most importantly, has improved the awareness of employers on their potential employees.
Reading Stephanie's blog made me reflect on how before, to get to a potential employer, there was a long and at times unreliable waiting time, having only the Mail as a tool of contact available. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura!

    Thanks for your comment, it's nice to meet you and another Singer!

    For my final investigation, I am looking into what makes a good Singing teacher. Do you have any opinions? I would love to hear from you. x

    I have also started a Facebook discussion group:!/topic.php?uid=145821545478191&topic=107
