Tuesday, 3 January 2012

6d: Delicious

I wanted to share my Delicious's link with everyone and see if someone is interested on following me and share their links with me... especially people interested in the same subjects as me for our project.
I 'm already following Stephanie's stak ... very useful networking tool, now more than ever!

My link:



  1. Thanks for sharing your sites Laura - I had a look at your stack and most of the sites are definitely ones I would be interested in using myself, so I have become a 'follower'. I see you came across 'Moral Maze' on Radio 4...me too....after the section of the module about Ethics I have found myself much more interested in programmes like this. I like it because they always put forward a balanced debate.

  2. Hi really did enjoy your delicious account as well, it certainly gives a good introspection into what you are researching for and very valuable websites as well.
